To participate fully in the Institute, you will need a stable internet connection and a device (desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) that allows you to use the tools detailed below. If you will be joining via mobile device or tablet exclusively, please let your seminar leader know since mobile functionality may differ for some of these tools.
All tools used at the Institute are browser based (you do not need to download anything) except for Zoom. For best results, we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers. You can also use Zoom through your web browser (without downloading the application) if you prefer.
Before the Institute begins, please complete the following tasks to set up your digital environment for the Institute:
!) Download the Zoom client for your device
- You do not need a Zoom account. Downloading the software will allow you to easily join the plenary and seminar meetings.
2) Create an account on CUNY Manifold
- We will use Manifold to read and annotate the Teach@CUNY Handbook.
- After creating your Manifold account, click this link to join the tCUNY Reading and Annotation Group:
- For guidance on how to annotate in Manifold, check out these directions or watch the video:
3) Check out the Teach@CUNY 2022 Institute Website: you are already here!
- On this website you will find the institute schedule, seminar curriculum, and workshop information and registration form.
We will also be using additional technologies in our seminar meetings and workshops, but no accounts for those need to be secured before the Institute begins.
If you have any questions or issues, please email the TLC’s Open Educational Technologist Laurie Hurson ([email protected]).